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SQL & SQLOps​ at the service of digital transformation

    SQL   &   SQLOps ​ at the service of   transformation   digital  SQL procedural code and its derivatives have been marginalized in favor of ETL/ELT in “on premise” infrastructure.   ETL/ELTs have proliferated in companies over the last 30 years, with the primary idea of ​​making the deployment of “data pipelines” accessible to less technical profiles. It was also about facilitating impact analyses, having versioning, facilitating flow monitoring, being able to replicate Jobs, etc. With the Cloud, SQL is coming back “in majesty” for many very good reasons.  And we are also seeing SQLOps-oriented solutions appear that “augment” SQL by encapsulating it in tools that offer   additional guarantees  .   But how to make a precise transition from DataStage, Talend, BODS, SSIS, etc., to “simple” SQL or to SQLOps-oriented tools?       The resilience of   SQL Our experience shows us that developers often continued to model flows in SQL before building them with ETL in place.  For what ?