
Data Lineage”: Reduction of Risks & Governance

    “Data Lineage”:   Reduction of Risks   & Governance   Data lineage represents the complete traceability of data, from their origin to their final use.   It provides a detailed view of data flows, identifying transformations and dependencies. The implementation of data lineage has often been motivated in the banking world by compliance requirements such as those of BCBS239, the data component of Basel III aimed at strengthening the capacities of banks in terms of production and reliability of reports of risk. Indeed, the 2008 crisis highlighted the lack of reliability in the most structuring risk reports.   But data lineage offers possibilities that go far beyond this framework:   more effective risk management, optimization of information systems, etc., thus opening the way to numerous use cases. However, to have the expected added value, the data lineage must be an exact reflection of the information system in real time. And it ...

Migrate semantic layer SAP BO to Power BI or Looker

  Migrate semantic layer SAP BO to Power BI or Looker The SAP BO semantic layer has been around for almost 30 years   A long time ago, Business Object (later acquired by SAP) created a revolution with the concept of a “semantic layer” to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of data by businesses: the famous Objects, organized in Universes.  A very daring first step towards what was not yet called “Self BI”.   The world of Analytics is evolving.  The rise of the Cloud and the absence of a very precise roadmap for BO from SAP have led a certain number of companies to consider a migration from tool to tool.  A particularly complex migration.  However, BO is a proven and robust technology which - with its (very) long experience of its semantic layer - has been able to organize information in companies.       The idea is therefore to allow teams to quickly start from an optimized semantic layer in the target technology, to be ...