Migrate PL/SQL in the Cloud massively


    Bringing PL/SQL to the Cloud Efficiently and Accurately
         The difficulty of migrating from PL/SQL
    PL/SQL began to be used in 1991. It is the most common procedural language in the world!
    It offers the possibility of writing complex data manipulation functions without resorting to a third-party language. As it is a query language, it allows you to make fairly complex scripts: functions, procedures, etc.

    Many companies are considering migrating to the cloud, including databases.
    The market offers interesting solutions, except that PL/SQL cannot be migrated as is to other database technologies. In any case, not simply. These migration projects are often long and expensive projects, and sometimes failures.
         Our approach 
    We have developed through our {openAudit} software, functions that allow you to practically “copy/paste” PL/SQL to a Cloud database technology, by embedding all the intelligence initially placed in the PL/SQL.

    Our methodology
    1. {openAudit} will "parse" the PL/SQL, it will break down all the complexity of the code thanks to a grammar allowing exhaustive and ultra-granular analyses. All the subtleties of PL/SQL will be taken into consideration,
    2. openAudit deduces the overall kinematics and intelligence, which will be reconstructed in an agnostic algorithmic tree (it can be simple Scratch),
    3. On this basis, {openAudit} will produce "standard SQL",
    4. Then the intelligence will be reconstructed at least in the specific SQL of the target database (e.g. BigQuery for Google, Redshift for Amazon, Azure SQL for Microsoft, etc.),
    5. All complex processing that cannot be reproduced in simple SQL will be driven by a NodeJS executable. Typically “For Loop” cursors, variables, “If Else” conditional code, “Switches”, procedure calls, etc.
    6. Optionally, new orchestration mechanisms can be implemented, to deconstruct sliders of sliders (loops of loops) to optimize transformation chains

    Thus, without effort, it is possible to decommission your PL/SQL, and to reproduce all its intelligence in your target Cloud technology.
    Technical migrations become child's play 😊


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