Lower Cloud costs! Identify and remove “dead branches”


Lower Cloud costs!



Identify and remove “dead branches”

A recent report from Flexera (end of 2022) indicates, for the 7th consecutive year, that optimizing the use of the Cloud remains the main area of ​​concern for CIOs. 


62% of French CIOs explain that the Cloud costs them more than what was budgeted. This does not prevent them from anticipating further growth in spending in these environments. And it's endless.


Note that if we ignore managed services which vary greatly depending on the client,  the main costs of the Cloud are directly linked to volume and processing. 




 ... A  poorly measured cost  : 

the impact of lack  of intelligibility

          systems  _


According to an Oracle study, "The Decision-Making Dilemma" of 2022, for which more than 14,000 IT professionals in 17 countries were surveyed,  almost eight in ten respondents (78%) believe that they do not have never had so much data from different sources available to support their decisions. But for 86% of respondents, this volume makes decision-making far too complicated. 

These difficulties in making decisions lead to negative repercussions for 85% of those surveyed: stress peaks (36%), missed opportunities (33%), or unnecessary expenses (29%). 


When we know that nearly 70% of what is stored in databases is not used (“Rethink Data Report” by Seagate, 2022), we see that there are considerable financial or organizational margins to be found. 


And yet, relatively few companies are moving forward with real continuous optimization projects. Probably because mechanics requires having a capacity for ultra-fine introspection of often sprawling systems. This is where we position ourselves: 

{openAudit}  automates the detection of "dead branches" in complex systems, calculates the associated costs, and replays its score continuously to enable continuous progress. 



1- Start with data that is not used 


Around information systems databases revolve audit databases which bring together (among other things) all the uses that are made of a system's data. And in contrast data which is not used in any way. {openAudit} continuously identifies them. 

2- Identify data sources that have no use


Starting from unused data, ie from these "informational dead ends",  {openAudit}  continuously identifies all of the upstream "dead branches", automatically going back to operational sources.  This is thanks to multi-technological data lineage. 

These will be components that store data (tables, files, dashboards). This will also include all the code or ETL jobs that allow the data to be processed in the Information System.

Data Lineage

3- Calculate the costs of “dead branches”


{openAudit}  automatically adds the costs relating to these "dead branches" by mapping the data lineage and certain logs from the hyperscalers' audit databases.




Sobriety is a fashionable term. For excellent reasons. It must apply to Cloud Information Systems which have become insatiable, with countless side effects.  


 With our {openAudit} software, we are able  to identify “dead matter” in systems on an ongoing basis. 

This dead matter can be removed so that the systems remain as simple and coherent as possible. And without regression.

For example, one of our clients deleted more than 500 datasets, representing thousands of tables, in less than a week. Without any feedback from users! 


This trajectory will also reduce energy consumption and GHGs .


Finally, an essential virtuous spiral.


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