
Data Lineage to Transform an Information System

  Le   data lineage to   Transform   an Information System:   Automated Simplifications   &   Migrations     At a time of accelerating digital transformation, massive movements towards the Cloud, and the surge of "as a Service", it seems useful to be able to understand the way in which Information Systems work to give them a chance to transform them in depth.    When they are still largely "on premise", their retro documentation is tedious, due to lack of time or skills still in place.    These legacy systems are often impossible to migrate to the Cloud given the high risks of regression.  And when these Systems have been migrated to the Cloud, they tend to become exponentially more complex (and more and more expensive).     We propose to   break down its complexity and share its understanding   by dynamically delivering a map based on data lineage and the uses of informatio...

SAP BO: Optimize the migration!

  Automate, Optimize migration;     And minimize regressions! Many companies wish to decommission SAP BO to move towards more sustainable technologies, more in line with current Cloud platforms.   We created a migration solution between SAP BO and Looker, or Power BI, which relies on a granular analysis of the SAP BO platform, then automatically migrates the intelligence and layout from SAP BO to Power BI or Looker.    Migrate from SAP BO to   Power BI or Looker     However,   It is a shame to reproduce in the target platform the complexity accumulated in SAP BO over time;    The complexity of the SAP BO platform in source is often so great that there is a strong risk of regression!   We worked on these various objections from our customers, to enrich   {openAudit}   so that these migrations are real successes!    3 steps:    I-   Simplify your    SAP BO...